Stress at work can affect anyone and can be triggered by anything. Generally, Work stress occurs when a person is unable to meet the demands or needs of his job.

Too much to do, lack of time, lack of information and lack of resources to get the job done. They work longer hours and shorter lunch breaks to get the job done.

As a result, workers begin to experience many symptoms of stress both physically and mentally.  In this case, stress is not only detrimental to the workers, but also interferes with the performance of the entire organization so it is best to take therapy at counselling center in muskoka.

Stress is one of the psychosocial risks in the workplace which is more difficult to handle than health problems.Stress is implicated as a contributing factor work accidents, psychological problems, compensation demands, low productivity, theft in the workplace, suboptimal performance, and high levels of employee turnover.

 In relation to work, if stress is not handled properly, it will affect the performance, efficiency, and productivity of the work concerned.

 Causes of Work Stress

 There are many causes that can increase stress in the workplace like  Organization cause, individual causes and few environmental causes.

Impact of Work Stress

 The impact of job stress can be beneficial or detrimental to workers.  The beneficial impact is expected to spur workers to be able to complete work with the best possible enthusiasm, but if stress cannot be overcome it will have a detrimental impact on workers.

 The following are some of the effects of work stress:

  1. Health issues : its increased blood glucose, increased heart rate and blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, headache, indigestion, dry mouth, sweating, back ache, wide eyeball, pain in shoulder and neck, excessive sweating, and loss of energy.
  2. Emotional : irritability, irritability and sensitivity, restlessness, anxiety, mood swings, sadness, easy crying and depression, nervousness, and mental lethargy.
  3. Intellectual: forgetfulness, difficulty focusing,  inability to make reasonable decisions, low concentration, inattention, sensitive to criticism, mental block  and thinking too much about one thing
  4. Interpersonal : indifferent and silencing others, likes to find fault with others or attack with words, closes yourself excessively, and easily blames others.

Management Standards for Handling Work Stress are basic exercises and yoga in the home and if you want in more effective way then you could opt for cognitive behavioural therapies. Choosing the best place for therapies is very important for best effective treatment.